Friday 15 March 2019

Brunner mine

On Monday this week we went down to the Brunner mine. We went on a walk and saw the coke oven not the drug or the drink. I thought it was fascinating how the coke was made. We also got to make a scene. In the scene my group was doing I was the mum and the men had just died in the explosion. We also went down to the Stillwater  cemetery and did some activities down there.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Trent, Miss Hines here. I really enjoyed our trip to the Brunner Mine, in particular the scenes that we had to dress up in. I think you made a beautiful woman! haha! What was your favourite part of the trip? I really enjoy going out of the classroom and I look forward to seeing the rest of your work about the Brunner Mine.
    Thanks for sharing the photos.
    Miss H


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